Mt. Greylock Mourns Mrs. Keeley
Any visitor who walked the halls of Mt. Greylock yesterday would have seen students wearing all manner of purple clothes in honor of Mrs. Keeley, who passed away over the weekend. Members of the JCL organized the purple movement because purple was one of her favorite colors as well as one of the official colors of the JCL. Mrs. Keeley taught Latin and classics for 18 years at Mt. Greylock and was actively involved in the Junior Classical League for the entirety of her career. Her dedication to not only Mt. Greylock, but also to the Massachusetts and National Junior Classical League, highlighted her love for her students and her enthusiasm for Latin.
In an email informing faculty of Mrs. Keeley’s passing, Principal MacDonald said, “Marj was a firecracker of passion and goodwill.” Students who had Mrs. Keeley will remember her energetic attitude, omnipresent love for her students, and wild, infectious sense of humor. Mrs. Keeley earned her nickname “Ma Keeley” through the compassion she showed to everyone she knew, especially those students lucky enough to be in her class, whom she affectionately called “her kids.” Mrs. Keeley was an incredible force of love, cheer, and enthusiasm, and the entire community mourns the loss of not only an excellent teacher, but a caring friend.
The Echo will publish a more in-depth feature celebrating Mrs. Keeley’s life later in the spring.