Chromebooks for Mount Greylock Students

Mt. Greylock students have recently heard of an exciting development for next school year. Starting in September of 2017, every student in grades 8-12 will get his or her own Chromebook laptop to have until graduation. The students will be able to use the laptops in school and take them home, even over the summer. While 7th graders will not have their own computers, they will have access to Chromebook carts in each of their classrooms for in-school use. There are concerns about whether students will be able to print documents from the Chromebooks, but printers will be available to students through Cloud printing. When the new school is complete, there will be charging stations throughout the building for students to use.

In August, there will be information and distribution nights for parents and students so each student will have his or her Chromebook before the school year begins and will be well-informed about the responsibilities that come with the laptops. There will also be professional development with teachers on how to conduct proper lessons with Chromebooks and sessions with students on how to use them properly and prevent issues like cyberbullying and internet information security. Mrs. Belastock, our Director of Academic Technology, says on this new development, “Getting these laptops was in line with the school’s vision of blended learning, which is having the online presence of a class as well as the physical presence.”

Students are thrilled about having their own laptop to use next year. When asked about it, junior Brady Foehl said, “I think it’s sick!” This quote captures the excitement all Greylock students are feeling about the new Chromebooks. With the new school coming in, Greylock is making efforts to modernize their student learning process, and Chromebooks for all students pushes toward this goal.


FAQs by Mrs. Belastock:

What happens if it gets dropped, spilled on, stolen or broken?

The district has purchased a three year warranty on the devices. Insurance will cover the following:

  • Screen damage
  • Liquid immersion
  • Mechanical issues

Parents will be responsible for all other damages.

Will students be supplied with any Chromebook accessories?

Students will be provided with a charging cord and a protective Chromebook sleeve.

What if I cannot pick up my chromebook at the designated times?

We will post a time and place for chromebook pickup during the first week of school for students who cannot make the designated dates.

On pickup day, do parents need to be there?

Parents/guardians of 8th and 9th grade students will need to be present when the chromebooks are distributed.

What if a student forgets their Chromebook?

There will be a number of spare Chromebooks available for daily checkout in the library for students who forgot their devices.