Heating Issue Plague Mt. Greylock
In the past month, much work has been done on the new Mt. Greylock building and it is starting to look like a school. Unfortunately, part of pulling together the new building is rewiring the heating systems. The school is keep the boilers from the old building and this requires it to be “phased in.” This means that the building’s heating needs to be changed and many of the new parts of the heating system need to be reinstalled to accommodate the new building while still running in the old building. One of the members of the team doing this work is our Jesse Wirtes, the Mt. Greylock facility supervisor. Wirtes said that contrary to the students’ belief, the heating was never broken; this has always been a part of the plan to integrate the new parts of the heating plant into the old and new schools alike. The heat was turned back on Thursday, the 5th of October and is expected to be on until the transition into the new building in the spring.