Peer Team Makes Adjustments to Old Initiatives
The Mount Greylock Peer Team has had to make adjustments to their traditional programmings, just like many other clubs this school year. But, the Peer Team has been able to continue some of their normal activities virtually despite not having any in-person meetings ever since the school has gone fully remote.
Even with all of the obstacles COVID has posed, Peer Team still has a lot of different programs up and running. They have tutoring every Tuesday and Friday for middle school students, “Wellness Wednesdays,” and School Wide Activity Group (SWAG) Gamedays every Thursday during directed study. Also, a group of kids are teaching students about nutrition and other components of health through the Healthy Body Healthy Mind initiative.
“Our goal is to try to offer activities for students so that they have some fun,” said Peer Team Advisor Emily Leitt. Last week, senior members John Skavlem, Leo Rossitter, and Jackie Wells put together the “TextLess Live More” screen time challenge with the goal of trying to reduce screen time
Peer Team also has a lot of school-wide initiatives planned for the future. In March, they will be bringing the “See Something, Say Something” initiative to the school in a partnership with the Sandy Hook Promise, a nonprofit organization. The goal is for students to say something or to stand up against people hurting each other or themselves through education,
“TextLess Live More” will also be brought back in the spring. The group is planning to bring back this initiative to teach students to stay focused on the road while driving instead of texting. Students will sign a pledge that they will not text while driving.
In the future, the group will continue these additional initiatives aside from the school-wide activities that they do in the normal school year. The group has planned to do some additional activities when the school goes back to the hybrid model.
“Even though everything is virtual and we are still doing most of the things, it has been very difficult just because normally these things will be done in person,” said senior Peer Team member Jackie Wells.
Leitt said, “It’s been difficult to navigate this year and still be effective. It’s difficult to not be in person but trying to tell students that we are here.” The group’s main goal is to let students know that they are there for them if they need help. Peer Team has also made social media accounts to support students on a continuous basis.

Krishiv is a junior, and this year will be his fifth year on the Echo. He enjoys interviewing people and writing opinion pieces. Outside of the Echo, he is an avid photographer and loves eating good food.