Freshmen Students Start Singing Club

The Glee Club is Mt. Greylock’s newly established musical club. The club is for students who have a passion for singing and performing. On Friday, January 9, about fifteen students showed up to the Glee Club’s first meeting in faculty advisor Rebecca Tucker-Smith’s room. The Echo spoke with freshmen club organizers Emily Durant, Komeja Green, Alexis Guyette and Grace Kelley.
Echo: How did you think of the idea for the Glee Club?
Emily: My friend got me watching the show Glee, and then I got my other friends into watching Glee. We decided that our school doesn’t really have enough arts programs and so we agreed that we wanted to try to start a Glee Club where people could just be happy about music and where everyone could sing together.
Grace: And it actually worked!
How exactly did you get this club started?
Emily: We had to go talk to the principal in Directed Study for several days and figure everything out together. We also had to fill out a paper. It was not that complicated.
Grace: Yeah it totally was.
Emily: Yeah it was a little bit.
Alexis: We also had to get ten signatures.
Emily: We ended up getting eleven because we’re overachievers. That was awesome. (Everyone laughs.)
What will the Glee Club do at meetings?
Emily: Well, we will have a meeting every Friday until four o’clock. At the end of the first meeting, we all decided that we wanted to hear everybody’s voices and hear who works well with each other. In the future, we are going to get together and sing as a group and maybe have topics that we choose songs from.
What performance opportunities will the Glee Club take part in?
Komeja: If there is a Mt. Greylock talent show, we will definitely perform there. We will also search out events to perform at. Events like singing competitions, Pep Rally and Greylock Plays are some performance ideas that we had.
Emily: We have also thought about performing in the community, like going and singing at nursing homes.
What are your reasons for creating the Glee Club?
Komeja: Well, the reason that we started the Glee Club was, sure there are other singing opportunities, but we don’t exactly get to pick the songs we sing.
Emily: We created Glee club to be a place where everyone could just get together and sing, and we are hoping that more people will join and that it will be carried on after we graduate. We are really hoping to get some eighth graders at meetings. We want the club to be something that is not crazy serious but that can be taken seriously.