“Do You Have a Duck?” Game Brings Engagement — and Chaos — to Mount Greylock
The new school-wide game – and simultaneous social experiment – has taken Mount Greylock by storm. As of Monday, March 4, the race is on to acquire and hold onto as many ducks as possible.
The game, organized in part by librarian Liza Barrett, features complex rules that are meant to encourage students, teachers and staff to engage with one another more. 25 rubber ducks are in circulation around the school, and there are 25 prizes that will be given out when the game ends in a few days.
Essentially, you can ask people, in person or through a handwritten note, whether they have a duck. The person being asked must respond truthfully and give away one duck if they have it. The game is permitted “at all times except all classes,” per Vincent Welch’s announcement.
One shortcoming of the rules of the Duck Game is that there is no penalty for asking people if they have a duck, which has led to excessive questioning in all areas of the school.
“I just want to obtain a duck to annoy people,” sophomore Lincoln Simpson said.
Blocking out space for real, meaningful conversations, this excessive questioning has annoyed many people. “I’m just so done with this game already,” senior Celina Savage said. Many others are not done with the game yet though, and will continue their search for ducks.
The Echo is yet to acquire a duck, but check back in for more updates as the duck-filled chaos unfolds.
According to an Echo source, 15-20 new fake ducks, brought in by students, are in the process of being placed into circulation today.
The “Do you have a duck?” game has officially ended, per a school-wide announcement made by senior Celina Savage. Any student currently in possession of a duck should go to the foyer to receive their prize, which range from cookies and brownies to gift cards.